

Our Lady of Lede, Belgium

The statue of Our Lady of Lede dates from 1414 and was a gift to the church of Lede from a local tradesman. He had moved to Cologne and successfully set up a business there. As a token of gratitude to Mary he sent the pietà to his hometown.

The statue was met halfway by the people of Lede. But outside of Brussels they met a soldier with his cavalry. One of the horses became unmanageable and the servant of the soldier got seriously hurt. In his fury the soldier wanted to destroy the statue. However, as he lifted his sword his arm froze in mid air. Mary herself had stopped him from carrying out the blasphemous attack! After this the cavalry accompanied the procession to Lede. Upon arrival in the town the soldier’s arm was healed.

Once every two years the people of Lede still hold a novena and procession in honour of Our Lady, on the second Sunday after Whit Sunday. The 600 year jubilee will be celebrated in 2014.

In Flemish the statue is known as Onze Lieve Vrouw van Lede or Zoete Nood Gods (God’s Sweet Suffering).

Procession website

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